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First discovered in North Georgia back in 2014, The Joro spider (Trichonephila clavata) is a highly invasive species originally from Eastern Asian countries like Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China. 

The adult females grow much larger than the males of their species. With yellow and dark blue stripes and a red spot towards the rear of the abdomen. Starting in October you can find these spiders reproducing and laying anywhere from 400 to 1500 eggs in one web! The good news is by winter the adult spiders have died off, however, come next spring the next generation of spiders will emerge and begin their take-over.

The Joro spider is not particularly aggressive but they will bite you to protect themselves and their nest. Although not life threatening, the bite is considered quite painful. Comparable to a bee sting, it will give you a nasty headache and some minor irritation at the bite area (trust me, I know first-hand!).

These spiders have small mouth-parts so they're considered to be relatively harmless to your pets and animals. This doesn't mean they cant bite. Just keep in mind with any spider, regardless of the species, they all carry venom. If you're allergic to bee stings then its very likely you will be allergic to spider bites as their venom is remarkably similar. If that is the case just try your best to avoid them. 

Unfortunately most pest control services wont be able to help much with spiders. Especially ones that prefer the outdoors like the Joro. This is mainly due to the face that they have such long legs and are less likely to be exposed to any residual pesticides they may have been sprayed around your property. They also don't leave their web unless they absolutely have to. 

If you're experiencing an overwhelming amount of Joro spiders around your home, your best bet is to squash them and remove the web. Don't want to get that close? Don't worry, I'm the same way! Consider using a salt gun. They're harmless to humans, pets and animals. They wont damage your property, and they allow you to take out these spiders from a distance up to 5 feet. This is what we use at our home and I highly recommend one!

Just remember, for every ONE spider killed, that prevents up to 1500 spiders from emerging the next year.....

About Author

Alexious Fiero

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.


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